

[詳細介紹] 台灣老婆餅的老字號-吉發糕餅;創業十七餘年,吉發的招牌老婆餅成功的征服了台灣人的味蕾,香濃、酥脆的頂級口感,形、色、味滿分的呈現,演繹了烘焙的工藝美學,吉發的老婆餅已經成為台灣伴手禮的指標,再加上鳳梨酥和鳳凰酥這鎮店三寶,演繹出小點心的品味美學,口口香酥、一口接一口,讓人無法抵擋的幸...

RV Dumps

Where's the closest RV Dump station at a campground, a rest area, a truck stop, a water treatment plant?RV Dumps knows these things. And you can easil...


Shakeover is the easy way to have some fun with photos of your family, friends, colleagues or even pets. Simply shake your iPhone or iPod Touch to giv...