

千年鬼屋(Ghost House)是一款射殺殭屍的第一人稱恐怖射擊遊戲,遊戲場景設置在一座廢棄的多層旅館中,旅館內部裝修華麗,配備中世紀的燈光火焰效果,雖然裝飾豪華高檔,但其中的陰森恐怖和空寂讓人感覺不寒而栗。緊接著,面對張牙舞爪,蜂擁而至殭屍們的不斷攻擊,需要遊戲者必須非常快速和靈活的躲避移動,才...


Your child learned the alphabet. What are you going to do next? Here is the educational game that is ingenious, simple and "minimally electronic".- Le...

Escape 1000 km

Can you escape 1000 km to save humanity? Yes?! Then do this and find out what happens after ESCAPING 1000 KM!!! Let's see how long can you stand out? ...


FIVE-STAR RATINGS = MORE CARTS AND TRACKS IN FUTURE UPDATES!!!Animal go-carting at its finest! Grab your friends, pick your favourite cute animal race...