《科学种养》杂志2006年1月创刊,由总后勤部司令部主管,金盾出版社主办。月刊,邮发代号80-505,每期定价8.00元,全年订阅价96.00元。 杂志以面向三农、服务小康、帮您创业、助您致富为宗旨,主要宣传农业新政策,传播农业新信息,推广农业新技术,展现农村新面貌,是广大读者一看就懂、一学就会、一...
《科学种养》杂志2006年1月创刊,由总后勤部司令部主管,金盾出版社主办。月刊,邮发代号80-505,每期定价8.00元,全年订阅价96.00元。 杂志以面向三农、服务小康、帮您创业、助您致富为宗旨,主要宣传农业新政策,传播农业新信息,推广农业新技术,展现农村新面貌,是广大读者一看就懂、一学就会、一...
《科学种养》杂志2006年1月创刊,由总后勤部司令部主管,金盾出版社主办。月刊,邮发代号80-505,每期定价8.00元,全年订阅价96.00元。 杂志以面向三农、服务小康、帮您创业、助您致富为宗旨,主要宣传农业新政策,传播农业新信息,推广农业新技术,展现农村新面貌,是广大读者一看就懂、一学就会、一...
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Yeast Infection is an essential app for anyone who wants to get rid of the candida yeast and be healthy again!This fantastic app will give you the exa...
A survey was done on 1,000 questions related to Yeast Infection. These questions were reduced to 27 that were most useful to understand the issues on ...
Esta aplicación permite informar, a los pasajeros, el tiempo restante para el arribo de los colectivo que pasen por la Parada inteligente.La informaci...
Esta aplicación permite conocer el tiempo de arribo de un colectivo a una parada determinada a través de diferentes opciones y funcionalidades. * Posi...
System for the automatic reproduction of commercials and advertising images.This application will allow you to create a customized playlist of adverti...
Application for dispensing collectives in real time from your mobile. This utility allows you to send a group according to a website, banner, departur...
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