传统的家庭主妇做饭套路是:痛苦地思考今晚吃什么菜,翻开菜谱查看怎么做,然后去市场买相应的食材,按菜谱步骤做饭。 此小游戏提供真实做饭场景,然我们开始烧鸡下菜。 点击根据提示进行游戏操作。 游戏加载完毕点击一下屏幕 - 再点击[让我们开始烧鸡] - 然后点击两次[开始]即可进入游戏 按照步骤进行制作,...
传统的家庭主妇做饭套路是:痛苦地思考今晚吃什么菜,翻开菜谱查看怎么做,然后去市场买相应的食材,按菜谱步骤做饭。 此小游戏提供真实做饭场景,然我们开始烧鸡下菜。 点击根据提示进行游戏操作。 游戏加载完毕点击一下屏幕 - 再点击[让我们开始烧鸡] - 然后点击两次[开始]即可进入游戏 按照步骤进行制作,...
国粤双语同时呈现星爷经典搞笑对白,绝对值得珍藏!精美的界面,图文并茂的形式再加上周星驰的独特声音,重现星爷在银幕的经典造型和对白,不管您是否是星迷,都不容错过 《唐伯虎点秋香》调戏秋香的“求神”,您听过完整版吗?还有,国产《凌凌漆》开场那段叫小姐的经典对白呢?等等 在无聊或心情沉闷的时候,听听这些温...
This simple application illuminates the screen of your phone like a flashlight to help see in the dark. It also allows you to change the color of the ...
Save the Android character from the gallows. Guess the letters to reveal the word and save the Android character's life. If you are unable to gues...
Learn your lucky poker hand for today. This application will analyze your shaking ability and generate a lucky poker hand for you based on your shake....
HTC Incredible compatibleThis flashlight application offers the best of both worlds by activating the phone's camera LED flash and the basic displ...
Sports Motions turns your phone into virtual sporting goods such as a baseball bat, hockey stick, basketball, tennis racket, and golf club. Just swing...
HTC Incredible compatibleThis flashlight application offers the best of both worlds by activating the phone's camera LED flash and the basic displ...
Save the Android character by guessing the hidden word character by character.Over 2000 words are included for your enjoyment with more new words comi...
Sports Motions turns your phone into virtual sporting goods such as a baseball bat, hockey stick, basketball, tennis racket, and golf club. Just swing...