“檬克,图片在哪儿?”这款应用能帮助您的孩子提高对图形的认知能力,同时在游戏中获得无穷乐趣!这是一款简单的益智游戏,可以单机操作,也能与您的家人一起娱乐。 注意力集中的关键是学习认真观察周围的环境。研究表明,一个具有敏锐观察意识并能将其运用到理性解决实际问题中的孩子,将来往往更有可能取得成功。 “檬...
“檬克,图片在哪儿?”这款应用能帮助您的孩子提高对图形的认知能力,同时在游戏中获得无穷乐趣!这是一款简单的益智游戏,可以单机操作,也能与您的家人一起娱乐。 注意力集中的关键是学习认真观察周围的环境。研究表明,一个具有敏锐观察意识并能将其运用到理性解决实际问题中的孩子,将来往往更有可能取得成功。 “檬...
这是一款宠物养成的小游戏.主角当然就是俺最喜欢的 阿狸啦. 1.0版本: 1.提供几种食物来饲养阿狸.阿狸可以长高等. 2.阿狸可以打工和学习.(可以在后台运行,默认'否'.) 3.提供一个捡铜币的小游戏来赚取铜币. 4.抽奖系统.如果钱比较多了,就可以抽奖.抽奖可以得 到特殊属性,几率较低. 5....
+++ Game to train your brain in addition +++* The training the brain to answer quickly in the calculation* Calculation adds all* The challenge in the ...
+++ Randomly-generated dungeon adventure game +++* Can adventure in a different map each time, randomly-generated dungeons* To deep equipped efficient...
+++ Game walk a split girl balloons to match the color +++- Relieve stress by dividing the balloon- It becomes increasingly play long heart to play an...
+++ Game to train your brain in the subtraction +++* The training the brain to answer quickly in the calculation* Calculation subtracts all* The chall...
+++ Game to train your brain in the remainder +++* The training the brain to answer quickly in the calculation* Calculation remainder all* The challen...
Racoon Rush is the latest fast-paced game. Your goal is to guide the Racoon to run the farthest. Instructions:* Tap on the screen to make the Racoon j...
+++ Application to measure the roll force +++* it is possible to measure the roll force* roll game for 10 seconds* The challenge in the world rankings...
+++ Game to shoot aim balloons +++- stress by dividing the balloons! - The lock-on tap the balloon to the specified- The challenge in the world rankin...