

記錄您的台灣旅行「微笑台灣-旅行明信片」會是更精彩有趣的方式! * 旅行途中隨手拍照, 自動記錄您的所在地點,保留點滴感動! * 為相片標記鄉鎮戳記, 名家書法字跡, 獨一無二! * 結合多樣精美又可愛的娜娜插圖, 讓您的照片生動有趣!! * 一鍵分享多處, 為朋友播報即時美景, 說一段旅行台灣的故...

Spot Show

Spot Show works by letting you create and advertise your own shows and upcoming concerts happening around the world. It's our mission to have every sh...

Spot Show HD

Spot Show works by letting you create and advertise your own shows and upcoming concerts happening around the world. It's our mission to have every sh...