

全立發從 1966 年在租借的廠房及3~5人創業情況,發展至今‧本著「技術領先,誠實經營」的理念做事;歷經多年的努力,靠經驗的累積及不斷開發新產品,從傳統式的手動機器到目前的為電腦機器,如今回顧過去與展望未來,內心只有心存感激;感謝全體同仁的努力,更感覺到社會不斷的指導與愛戴,使公司持續成長與茁壯。...

OSU BusTime Pro

GPS Real times countdown, vehicles map, and Ta service announcements livesee vehicles as they move on the map updates every 20 secarrival times for st...


This is very easy to use coin flipper application. You don’t have to carry coins to the play ground to toss anymore, just use your phone to toss. To u...