

提高您的照片。 Photo Enhance 為你带来完美的图片增强功能。 Photo Enhance 提供自动调整功能。助你简单剪裁、调整光暗度、对比度、室内照 片泛黄问题。 Photo Enhance 使用HDR调色板技术令你照片细腻部份更出色。 软体会存取在你照片库的相片,当你完成相片修正后可马...

GUDS Georgia

GUDS App gives you the opportunity to have a constantly updated guide that helps you find interesting objects.GUDS App is owned by Georgian United Dev...

Indiana Johnson

Indiana Johnson can’t swim!It’s your mission to help him bringing the treasure home!Cross the long river through moving woods; be swift or you may fal...