

聯合報系取得荷蘭台夫特維梅爾中心授權,策畫了「珍珠之光-透視維梅爾」特展;以最新數位印刷技術,將維梅爾所有畫作「共聚一堂」,完整呈現「光影大師」(The master of light)筆下寧靜、純樸的世界。 本展用各種不同的教育角度、最新數位印刷技術、多樣的操作體驗,透視維梅爾這位謎樣的畫家,不僅...


Do you feel like you sometimes behave in a particular manner which is in complete reversal to your zodiac sign? Do you feel that your compatibility wi...

Baby Names

Are you all ready to welcome the new member in your family, but still are not sure what to call them? Make the smart move and start using our brand ne...