
iN Design

iN Design introduces a good many interior design and architectural firms with remarkable ideas to furnish all kinds of homes, from bungalows to condom...


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ASHP eBooks

Welcome to the ASHP eBooks app. To purchase mobile versions of ASHP books, please visit http://ebooks.ashp.org. Once you arrived at the website, login...

books.ch eBooks

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WorldExplorer -離線地圖及電子書製作

v1.6.2 加入Google China 混合地圖. 因較一般中國地圖多了建築物及地形, 推薦在內地使用.v1.6 加入新功能容許你手動校正gps位置, 中國地區一般Google及Microsoft 地圖會有座標移位, 如果你想在中國使用GPS在 Google/ Bing map, 這是一個“必須...