
龍之痕Scar of dragon

龍之痕陪你瘋世足,即日起每日0:00~6:00登入遊戲,即可取得專屬好禮,操作簡單輕鬆升級,只要2小時就可達到20級,華麗炫技立即秀出,職業角色無定向自由度超高,立即下載打造你的獨特英雄,多元交友互動找到你的親密戰友一起玩遊戲。點擊展開看更多。 【本月精彩活動】 ★活動一:七日衝等送水晶 ~LV U...


Try to follow the text and not the color. Are you illiterate?This app will help you control how your brain works. Challenge your mind with ColorDamage...


Memorize the order of the colors as they appear. Touch the colors in the same order as they appeared as quickly as possible. The faster you do it, the...