

弗裏德裏克·弗朗索瓦·肖邦(F.F.Chopin 1810─1849) 波蘭作曲家、鋼琴家,肖邦1810年3月1日生於華沙近郊,父親是法國人,僑居華沙任中學法文教員,母親是波蘭人。肖邦從小就表現出非凡的藝術天賦,6歲開始學習音樂,7歲時就創作了波蘭舞曲,8歲登臺演出,不足20歲已出名。他是歷史上最具...


Minerals is a great collection with photos and info. You can zoom photos, view info, edit and share photo with friends.- Photos and info no internet c...

Style My Hair

Dreaming of a total new hair look but holding back from fear of failure? Fear no more! Try and test a total hair look: cut, colour and styling.L’Oréal...