****注意: 建議開啟"設定"裡面, 節目間自動續撥的功能, 以方便APP自動撥放下一段影片****APP介紹:(1)這是一支專屬於阿基師最新活動追蹤的APP(2)內容主要介紹阿基師在各類食譜上的影片介紹, 以讓喜愛美食或喜歡動手自己做的一般人也可以一秒變神廚, 內容分類有: 魚 蝦 蟹 海鮮 食...
****注意: 建議開啟"設定"裡面, 節目間自動續撥的功能, 以方便APP自動撥放下一段影片****APP介紹:(1)這是一支專屬於阿基師最新活動追蹤的APP(2)內容主要介紹阿基師在各類食譜上的影片介紹, 以讓喜愛美食或喜歡動手自己做的一般人也可以一秒變神廚, 內容分類有: 魚 蝦 蟹 海鮮 食...
TVS (Türk Vergi Sistemi uygulaması), vergi hukuku konusunda hem teorik hem de pratik deneyime sahip uzman bir ekip tarafından geliştirilmiştir.TVS kul...
你好孩子,靚女!如何烹飪和最驚人的免費遊戲廠商你的手。成為頂級大廚烹飪,烘烤,使美味的煎餅。誰喜歡吃的蛋糕,煎餅和其他甜點甜的朋友?烘焙和烹飪的樂趣讓我們體驗過的廚房環境,使健康的自製蛋糕盤。 女生愛做飯比讓我們得到它在你的智能手機來創建澆頭和面霜的數十名虛擬煎餅。它是免費的有趣的遊戲為孩子們製...
The AVID Events and Trainings app puts conference and training information in the palm of your hand.Make the most of your time on site - get informati...
Kidkonnect™ - The most popular choice in school Apps. Kidkonnect™ – The smartest way to connect schools , parents and teachers. Kidkonnect is availabl...
AVer VC 101 is an all-in-one app that provides essential information about product features, add-on features, marketing materials and the purchasing o...
This really simple and useful app helps you to calculate average on itemsets. You can create and manage your own groups (like university, college, spe...
'Success is generous, But you are maybe nervous.'Averest will help you don't be nervous until you achieve your success.-Averest: Journey of 10kHRS1) S...
AVG Business SSO for iOS™ provides access to your applications using one, secure, authenticated password to start the day. These same applications wil...
Atikara is a free product catalog for iPad that provides also a nice and easy-to-use sales force tool integrated. With atikara, you can configure your...