

手机可视对讲系统: 本系统软件集手机可视对讲系统、门禁卡管理系统、智能物业管理系统于一体,适合于楼宇与小区使用。 如果您的家中没有安装楼宇对讲系统,或是原来的楼宇对讲系统已经瘫痪,手机可视对讲系统是您最佳的选择。手机可视对讲系统是通过通信网络与宽带网络来实现,当访客在小区单元大门的门口机按您的房间号...

SAP Mobile

PENDOLARI!!! Dite addio alle vostre ricerche interminabili su internet,dite addio agli inutilissimi e scomodi fogli che dopo un po si rovinano o si pe...

SAP Jobs

Find the latest SAP Job listings retrieved from top job web sites (CareerJet, Indeed, SimplyHired, Monster,Naukri and all). Don't waste your time ...


Battle Royale 12 Corporate captains and their teams to clash for victory and glory in a unique cricket challenge in Rajasthan. The SAP-CEO India CEO C...

SAP Karaoke

This application supports searching songs in VIET KTV that the technology is being used in the most of karaoke bar of Viet Nam. This application consi...


يقدم معهد الإدارة العامة بمملكة البحرين برنامج( BIPABH ) ضمن مجموعة من البرامج والدورات والألعاب التي ينتجها المعهدوهو برنامج شامل يستعرض كل ما يقدمة ...