觀世音菩薩普門品姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什譯長行隋北天竺沙門闍那崛多譯重頌佛教經典以中文直式閱讀的方式顯示內容(Traditional Chinese only)版本更新資訊:V1.3:V1.3版開始改以CBETA「中華電子佛典協會」的大藏經為依據重新製作。經文資料說明:*經文取自CBETA「中華電子佛典...
Fondata nel 1976, nel tempo è diventata un sistema articolato per comunicare il design della cucina italiana al trade e ai professionisti del progetto...
Wave your flag! FlagWaver is a virtual 3D flag you can hold up high, or just have fun playing with as it ripples in the virtual breeze. Comes with a b...
Ambiente&Sicurezza; è il quindicinale di New Business Media di taglio normativo che copre a 360° tutti i temi relativi all’ambiente, alla sicurezza, a...
#Please Note: The contents of scriptures are written by Simplified Chinese FontsThe Flagstone is a software which is designed as an offline bible read...
Brought to you by USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS), Amber Waves magazine showcases research and analysis on economic and policy issues related t...
Die offizielle Amberg App informiert Bürger, Touristen und Geschäftsreisende umfassend rund um die Stadt Amberg.Durch Bewegen der Bilder im Menü erhal...
#Please Note: The contents of scriptures are written by Japanese FontsThe Flagstone Colloquial is a software which is designed as an offline bible rea...