鏡頭夾 廣角


手機收藏夾:是把插入有博伊斯愛代碼的印刷物,網絡/移動終端上的網頁和數字標牌中,提取自己所需信息保存在手機中並可以進行共享的應用軟件。博伊斯愛代碼是擁有可以保存文本,網址,名片,MID格式的音樂,傳單等多種信息的大容量儲存能力的二維代碼.[主要功能]① 讀取博伊斯愛代碼: - 名片: 不是使用錯誤率...


保護您的手機:#屏幕保護配件無氣泡和灰塵#如何:完美安裝一個屏幕保護的iPhone3GHzO水冷#智能手機與水資源保護 - 國際消費電子展2012#DualTek極端衝擊衝擊案例+盾#我的前5名三星Galaxy S2的案件銀河2#甜護甲鋁保險槓#的avast! Android手機的安全性就在這裡!#...


AUZEF, İstanbul Üniversitesi bünyesinde bulunan Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Fakültesidir. Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Fakültesi, öğrencilerine dünyanın neresind...

Wade AR

Wade AR gives you a new way to look at the world and find out more about our services through your smartphone or tablet.You can give us feedback and l...

Staffs Live AR

Staffs Live AR gives you a new way to look at the world and find out more about our services through your smartphone or tablet. You can give us feedba...


Readers of Kraze Club! magazine can now access exciting new content with this FREE augmented reality app! Watch in amazement as your Kraze Club! magaz...