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58到家,是58同城旗下自营生活服务。我们是值得信赖的互联网生活服务平台!高品质生活服务的倡导者!我们提供家庭保洁、家居保养、家电清洗、家电维修、管道疏通、搬家、开锁换锁等上门服务,帮您解决生活中的各种琐事难题! 您通过58到家app预约后,我们的客服会迅速为您安排好附近的服务人员上门服务。我们的服...
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You are dish washer in restaurant.You have to wash as many dishes as you can.Wipe away leftovers and shine with sponge.Product of LingoStar, powered b...
Washitsu - a Japanese‐style room -When I wake up I was in a strange room Find the hidden items in the room The interpretation of the tricks many escap...
It is the judgment game of the quiz flavor.About a quiz becoming earlierThree respondents reply it in sequence.The player watches the answer of three ...
WASP PROVIDES FUN, INTERACTIVE HANDS-ON SCIENCE ACTIVITIES! The WASP (Woodside Australian Science Project) is an initiative supported by Woodside and ...
This is an exciting game to get back at those nuisance wasps that always spoil the picnic by buzzing menacingly around the food and drink with great ...
Wasp is a patience game that is renown from decayed. It is played with different and innovative approach, in the game play any card or sequence can be...
From the maker of Money Rain check out Wasp Wacker. Wack the wasps but be careful not to get stung!Features many different levels starting off easy bu...
This version contains no ads and has extra level of difficulty which includes small and large wasps!From the maker of Money Rain check out Wasp Wacker...