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一名纯真的21岁女大学生安娜斯塔西娅-斯蒂尔(Anastasia Steele,原型为“贝拉”)因为为校报作一篇报道,前去采访28岁英俊的企业家克里斯蒂安-格雷(Christian Grey,原型为“爱德华”),两人之间擦出了爱的火花,但很快安娜就发现格雷的一个惊人的秘密:他喜欢SM(性虐)。得知真...

Racoon Rush

Racoon Rush is the latest fast-paced game. Your goal is to guide the Racoon to run the farthest. Instructions:* Tap on the screen to make the Racoon j...

Key Mashing

+++ Application to measure the roll force +++* it is possible to measure the roll force* roll game for 10 seconds* The challenge in the world rankings...

Target Balloon

+++ Game to shoot aim balloons +++- stress by dividing the balloons! - The lock-on tap the balloon to the specified- The challenge in the world rankin...