跑跑街景 是一套方便好用的Google街景錄影工具。使用者僅需設定導覽路線,錄影程式便可錄下 街景影像。本工具支援離線播放,在無網路連線的環境下亦可瀏覽。跑跑街景 針對街景部份還提供了速率控制與多種行進模式功能, 可配合 跑步機/健身車 等運動器材,模擬實際在戶外運動的感覺。本軟體主要提供的功能如下...
跑跑街景 是一套方便好用的Google街景錄影工具。使用者僅需設定導覽路線,錄影程式便可錄下 街景影像。本工具支援離線播放,在無網路連線的環境下亦可瀏覽。跑跑街景 針對街景部份還提供了速率控制與多種行進模式功能, 可配合 跑步機/健身車 等運動器材,模擬實際在戶外運動的感覺。本軟體主要提供的功能如下...
法拉利,瑪莎拉蒂,蘭博基尼,布加迪,福特,雪佛蘭,邁凱輪,保時捷和更多!這種教育遊戲使用100的高清晰度照片,教你認識20的世界上發展最快和最具標誌性的運動型轎車的商業化生產。看看你能不能認識到這些車從正面,側面,背面,內部和發動機 - 不容易,因為你可能會想!很多有趣的事情,如最高速度,變速箱和...
CHONG is a leading party line for young cround in the gay community in Tel Aviv.Stay connected with all the photos, events, facebook page, map and con...
Running Man move little feet on its big adventure!Nes the classics of our operating handle, let you have the most comfortable gaming experience. Light...
Night Skiing! The Shapes are hitting the slopes...At NIGHT! Get the highest scores and travel the furthest in this very simple but very addictive supe...
*** HD Version for iPad ***SuperPool HD is a game for the entire family.You have two modes to play. The first one is more complete, but more difficult...
How many times you can juggle these two balls?Help the monkeys to do it!- Tap left or right side of screen to kick- Don't let the ball fallThis game i...
The last seconds of the match and your opponent has the puck… but you stole it! Here's the chance to be the winner… shoot… GOOAAL! You've won the Ice ...
Super Pool is a game for the entire family. You have two modes to play. The first one is more complete, but more difficult at the beginning. The secon...
How many times you can juggle these two balls? Help the monkeys to do it! - Tap left or right side of screen to kick - Don't let the ball fall This ga...