

零存整付儲蓄存款特點:按月存入一定金額,以固定利率計息,到期以複利提取本息.本計算機用途為計算零存整付之本利和.1.本利和=每月存入之金額*複利係數.2.複利係數=月利率係數* [ ( 月利率係數 ^ 期數) - 1 ] / 月利率3.月利率係數= 1 + 月利率.4.月利率=年利率/12.計算公式...

Titus eBooks

The Titus eBooks app provides enhanced digital versions of Titus literature. The app includes eBook versions of the Engineering Guidelines and other l...

Titus AR

Titus AR allows your iPhone or iPad to recognize images in Titus literature and printed documentation and augment it with video, animation, drawings, ...