第一部司马懿历史传记,大陆台湾同步出版。一本书,读懂司马懿,悟透政治智慧。“少不看水浒,老不读三国”,三国时代的谋略被称道至今。参悟中国的职场、官场智慧,便从《老谋子司马懿》开始! 老谋子司马懿是这样炼成的,一本书读懂司马懿的政治智慧。 初入仕途,司马懿先隐后等 如果第一次,司马懿就接受曹操的征辟直...
第一部司马懿历史传记,大陆台湾同步出版。一本书,读懂司马懿,悟透政治智慧。“少不看水浒,老不读三国”,三国时代的谋略被称道至今。参悟中国的职场、官场智慧,便从《老谋子司马懿》开始! 老谋子司马懿是这样炼成的,一本书读懂司马懿的政治智慧。 初入仕途,司马懿先隐后等 如果第一次,司马懿就接受曹操的征辟直...
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古话说:读万卷书,行万里路。然而,我们却一直对自己说“没有时间”。带着我们的理想,我们为你承上:读书行路——每天读一点!是的,每一篇文章都经过用心的挑选,每天读上些许篇,如果有空,再写上一篇,分享给更多的朋友们。 读万卷书,也许有点难。那么,让我们从阅读一篇篇的文章开始吧! [读书行路] by 理想...
Developed for use on iOS devices, the AssetsTracking mobile application allows you to perform a variety of tasks right from your phone, using the buil...
AssetsSaver app allows user to save the details of their personal items or belonging in the cloud so that user can access it anytime form anywhere*. P...
Get your block on! Fyra (pronounced FEER-ah) Basic is the totally free version of the addictive block-building game for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touc...
This application maintains a database of information about an organisation’s maintenance operations.This information is intended to help maintenance w...
AssetSense automates condition monitoring, operator rounds and other field operations in Energy, Utilities, Mining, and Process Manufacturing sectors....
We're on vacation, so while we're out, Fyra is FREE! Pick it up and tell your friends. Enjoy!Get your block on!Fyra (pronounced FEER-ah) is an addicti...
Fyllecharader är ett simpelt spel för dig som älskar att göra charader. Spela med vänner, familj eller varför inte på för-/efterfesten. *Helt gratis, ...