
Cat Cafe

A swarm of adorable cats is thirsty and you must serve them quickly or go out of business!Run your own cafe in this chaotic matching game!============...

Cat Cafe

內容介紹 : A swarm of adorable cats is thirsty and you must serve them quickly or go out of business! Run your own cafe in this chaotic matching game! ==...



Magic and Cat Escape

內容介紹 : Cat was kidnapped by witch. Please rescued the cat from the room of the witch. Trying to escape! this is easy mystery game. Please collect too...


夏日來臨,Irma休假去到夏威夷。但是她走了誰來準備晚餐呢?Irma說服Jon接管這個夏天的生意,要誰掌管呀?它可是加菲貓耶!看,大家鍾愛的肥貓進了廚房,它帶給大家的是一片歡聲笑語! 齊來參與,與加菲貓和他的朋友們一起為Irma準備最好(或最差)的晚餐,為她的老顧客們提供美味可口的菜餚- 每天快速的...