

车票之旅Ticket to Ride是一款有趣的策略游戏,移植至PC中经典的同名策略游戏。它的游戏方法并不难,游戏配件有火车票、火车、城市任务卡,每位玩家在起手时,先留有城市任务卡,游戏开始后玩家搜集不 同颜色的火车票,利用火车票在版图上盖起一节节的火车连结城市,好完成城市任务卡。完成越多任务卡、盖...

追夢-永遠的鄧麗君 特展

勇於追夢的巨星鄧麗君,以柔情萬千的歌聲,撫慰了一代代人的心靈。2013年適逢鄧麗君60冥誕,獻上20億個掌聲,讓永遠的鄧麗君,再一次「為你歌唱」!「追夢-永遠的鄧麗君」特展,2013.01.26 起至 2013.04.21 在台北市中正紀念堂展出,將以「浮空投影」立體呈現演唱聲影,透過歌聲牽引故事,...

VO2 Calculator

Simple App to calculate the Oxygen delivery and consumption from the known Cardiac Output, Haemoglobin, and arterial and venous gases. Practical to us...

Rent Or Buy

Wondered if your money is going down the drain with rent, or feeling good about yourself for saving yourself unwanted risk by investing in property he...

Running Paws

Feeling bored during your daily jogs? Why not download Running Paws to have customized pet-style gamification which not only offer you adorable pet so...


********** SUDUKO HD IS BACK**************- DOwnload it is free - HS graphics and scaling.- For everyone adulat and kids.Try it is Free.免費玩SUDUKO HD A...


还在为排队买票看电影而烦恼吗?还在为高昂的电影票价而纠结吗?下载我吧!票啦啦来为你分忧,为你实现快捷的一站式购买理想。 票啦啦是服务于购票的电影资讯平台,通过互联网,手机终端、短信语音等多种方式,实现电影票订购、 影院订座、电影票团购等各种功能,并提供最新电影信息资讯,为观影爱好者提供最方便快捷的电...