

酒桌即中国, 酒精不燃烧,不算搞社交。喝酒可大俗可大雅,可论国是可谈风月,可攀交情可见性情,可怡情可乱性,可养生可伤身,可豪饮可小酌,只是不可无酒。无酒不成席。酒是催化剂,桌是能量源。酒桌不是PK台,是PR场>。在中国,酒是文化、礼仪、历史、风俗;最后酒酒归一,酒是关系,酒桌即中国。情在口中,话在杯...

Clone Stamp

Duplicate part of an image is so easy. Clone Stamp app copies pixels from one place to another. The process involves setting a sampling area in the im...

Concert Stage

Concert Stage puts you in charge of your own portable gig, ready to play whenever and wherever. With a keyboard, drum kit and guitar, you're the star ...