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扒扒,做最好的女生专属互动分享社区!扒出女生想看的一切! 扒扒是“聚宝盆”,汇聚天涯、猫扑、豆瓣、百度贴吧、微博、微信等火热头条,精品内容一个都不能少。 扒扒是“过滤器”,扒扒过滤后的内容,精品变精华,杂质绝对低于PM2.5。 扒扒是“收纳盒”,八卦、明星、娱乐、绯闻、星座、旅行、美食、美男、奇葩故...

Zombie Land


Learn German

“Learn German” contains over 800 commonly-used German phrases and vocabularies for travelers and beginners. Using this app, you can learn from our Ger...

Learn Japanese

“Learn Japanese” contains over 800 commonly-used Japanese phrases and vocabularies for travelers and beginners. Using this app, you can learn from our...

Learn Korean

“Learn Korean” contains over 800 commonly-used Korean phrases and vocabularies for travelers and beginners. Using this app, you can learn from our Kor...


Androidを傾けて「ゆっくり」を操作。ステージに配置された[点]を回収せよ! 赤い[毛玉]に触るとゲームオーバーになるから注意!ステージクリア後にはタイムアタックに挑戦。世界ランキング1位をめざせ!■※アップデートについてご注意※■■Ver1.0からVer1.1にアップデートするとステージクリア...

Learn Spanish

“Learn Spanish” contains over 800 commonly-used Spanish phrases and vocabularies for travelers and beginners. Using this app, you can learn from our S...