

你是否想过将来退休了,养几只猫,开个文艺范儿的咖啡厅,让小家伙儿们帮自己看店。但是呢,这个梦想看来现在就可以实现了!快来玩儿猫咪咖啡厅,无需场地与租金,动动手指就可以开店! 这是一个完全免费的应用,也没有任何的内购,美中不足的是,游戏屏幕下方会有滚动的应用推荐广告条,并且即使是在中区,也没有中文版本...


夏日來臨,Irma休假去到夏威夷。但是她走了誰來準備晚餐呢?Irma說服Jon接管這個夏天的生意,要誰掌管呀?它可是加菲貓耶!看,大家鍾愛的肥貓進了廚房,它帶給大家的是一片歡聲笑語! 齊來參與,與加菲貓和他的朋友們一起為Irma準備最好(或最差)的晚餐,為她的老顧客們提供美味可口的菜餚- 每天快速的...

Cat Story

"Cat Story" is a fascinating adventure under the hot tropical sun in the company of kind, fluffy animals. A shipwreck brings the characters to a lost ...

Cat Face

Turn any photo into Cat Face with cat masks. Make your pictures and your friends look funny with cat masks. Turn any normal looking photo into Cat Fac...

Cats Song

Whenever you're in a bad mood or just want to have some fun, signing cats will come to help you! This fluffy music box can make anyone laugh! Adorable...

Cat Cafe

A swarm of adorable cats is thirsty and you must serve them quickly or go out of business!Run your own cafe in this chaotic matching game!============...