人類因為對於團體生活之需求,所以要求人與人間之公平正義,為了實現公平正義,於是乎創造了「法律」,但是「法律」並非即是「公平正義」,而只是實現「公平正義」的其中一種工具,「徒法不足以自行」,法律需要人民共同地尊重,以及適切地加以執行,方能達成實現公平正義之目的。 吾人常言道:「遲來的正義,不是正義。」...
■□■□ Summary of application ■□■□‘Silk Road Walk’ is a game application that utilizes a pedometer.A character in the game proceeds down the Silk Road a...
Lietuvos automobilių kelių direkcija suteikia paslaugą vairuotojams - galimybę matyti realaus laiko informaciją apie eismo ir oro sąlygas valstybinės ...
Our comprehensive Spanish dictionary, flashcards, grammar reference, comprehension activities, and writing tips give you exactly what you need to lear...
Many states use an EPPICARD® debit card for distributing child support payments to custodial parents as well as other payments. Getting your EPPICARD®...
***** Love this Game…Feels Like I am sitting on The Bike and Driving***** Danny B, California. *****Love the fact that you can eliminate obstacles whi...
Gombby Channel gives you access to a selection of the best episodes from Gombby’s Green Island, the family friendly educational and entertaining TV Sh...
Love Frames helps you create awesome looking and romantic pictures. Your sweet memories can be made more wonderful with lovely frame layouts, styles, ...