謝和弦 於是長大了以後yam

吉他和铉 Guitar Chords

吉他和铉 Guitar Chords是一款简单且完整的吉他和弦,与其他吉他和弦图表应用不同,Guitar Chords不依赖于数据库的图表,相反,它可以演绎并分析所有可能的指法,你甚至不需要知道任何音乐理论便可以使用它。 Chord! is at the same time the simplest...


DescriptionPhoto and video memories are the most valuable things we share during events. Often these disappear in the cloud. solves this and will chan...

Abruzzo Events

Abruzzo Events: Choose in a blink how to enjoy your Abruzzo!An entertainment made in Italy, made in AbruzzoAbruzzo Events is a new App created by Abru...


Stay up to date with DJ Super Duke's bookings and enjoy his mix cds!Super DJ AWARDED DJ of the YEAR Specialize in Afro-Caribbean Music. #KOMPA #ZO...