

NIHSS是美国国卫院所建立对於脑中风病患整体严重度的客观评估标準,可用於筛选适合施打rt-PA之病患,太严重(超过26分)及太轻微(不足4分)之病患都不适合施打。此中风量表是在1980年代,為缺血性脑中风治疗之临床研究计画,所设计出来的一个标準化神经学检查量表(Goldstein LB, et a...


關於NIHOW - 專屬於您的試衣間 為您著上品味與自信 飄散無形誘人的香氣營業時間: 14:00~23:00簡介你好 - 即初遇的問候,亦為紳淑之禮。NIHOW 緣起 -2006年,一對處於熱戀甜蜜的情侶正準備過一年之中最重要的約會,是的,2月14情人節。男孩走遍各店,費盡心思挑選了一件店員強力推...


Download the FREE Debenhams Android app for a quick & simple way to shop the full Debenhams range at home - or on-the–go. Thank you for all your feedb...

Forever 21

Whether you’re out to score a new outfit, or are in need of style inspo, the Forever 21 app is your source for the latest fashion. Available on Androi...


Increase your mindfulness and awareness by taking simple and effective daily challenges alongside other like-minded people.This app is for those who h...

Forever 21

Whether you’re out to score a new outfit, or are in need of style inspo, the Forever 21 app is your source for the latest fashion.Available on Android...