一款充满了基情气氛和少女幻想的吸血鬼题材AVG游戏。 “轮回百年,能否和你再相見” 少女从出身以来就时常做着同一个梦。闪烁着银白色光芒的彼岸花竞相绽放好像要对她述说着什么。 某一天与智雪回家的路上,乘坐的地铁遭遇了交通事故。混乱中她与有着赤红眼睛的吸血鬼该隐和狐狸耳朵的妖狐玉叶相遇。 直到赤月当空的...
一款充满了基情气氛和少女幻想的吸血鬼题材AVG游戏。 “轮回百年,能否和你再相見” 少女从出身以来就时常做着同一个梦。闪烁着银白色光芒的彼岸花竞相绽放好像要对她述说着什么。 某一天与智雪回家的路上,乘坐的地铁遭遇了交通事故。混乱中她与有着赤红眼睛的吸血鬼该隐和狐狸耳朵的妖狐玉叶相遇。 直到赤月当空的...
KOYONPLETE -The most popular otomegame company from Japan- ・歡迎光臨,由我爲您介紹: 「彼岸花之戀」系列 “輪回百年,能否與你再相見” 少女從出身以來就時常做著同一個夢。閃爍著銀白色光芒的彼岸花競相綻放好像要對她述說著什麽。 某一天與智雪回...
KOYONPLETE -The most popular otomegame company from Japan-欢迎光临,由我为您介绍:「彼岸花之恋」系列“轮回百年,能否和你再相見”少女从出身以来就时常做着同一个梦。闪烁着银白色光芒的彼岸花竞相绽放好像要对她述说着什么。某一天与智雪回家的路上,乘...
Candyland is a live wallpaper that animates different sorts of sweet candy with many special faetures.+ rotation by touch+ nine different sorts of can...
Violet Lucency is a live wallpaper which animates different violet and blue shapes. By rotating a beautiful, abstract picture evolves.This is a free t...
Colorselektor is an intuitive color selection tool suitable for designers, artists and programmers for selecting colors using different layout models....
Magic Contraction is a live wallpaper which animates laser light rays shining through thick clouds. These are surrounded by a green aura. You can also...
The gummy bear oracle is a funny and entertaining game of chance. Draw five bears and learn all about your future!The color combination tells you ever...
Pool Bouncer live wallpaper features billard balls rolling across a virtual table and bouncing against each other. You can choose between red, blue or...