

玩家将作为同名动画片中主角霸王龙“大头”,而原片中女主角霸王龙“小宝”将与大龙爷 爷和神树一道被地灾魔扣为人质。游戏的开始仍旧为地灾魔突袭恐龙村后将小宝与大龙爷爷和神 树一道掠走,玩家需历经崩塌怪、滑坡怪、塌陷怪和泥石流魔的重重阻挠,每一道阻挠将作为一 个关卡,通过者将获得相应加分奖励。玩家在通关过...


What did you dream last night - something nice or a nightmare? Do you have the same dream over and over again? Do you want to find out what your dream...

RFC Reader

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