西內瑪麗亞 桐山漣


We've removed Pocket Change after a long wait to see if they improved their system but no progress has been made so the game is now again back to ...


AppSwitcher一款通过侧边栏手势激活的任务切换工具。 您可以使用手势操作轻松在多个后台程序之间来回切换或关闭程序 主要功能: -支持开机运行 -支持设置触发区域 -支持调整灵敏度 -支持黑/白名单功能 -两种样式可供选择 -支持设置样式的效果 -支持手势操作 -支持振动反馈 -支持实时切换 ...


"Switch" is an application for changing various setup of Android. It is also an application which can always display time, battery residual quantity, ...


Switch is a original labyrinth game where you can "switch" the tiles around you to win.This is still a demonstration, many features, like levels will ...

Switch +

Switch + removes the adverts from the free version of Switch and also gives you a starting bonus of +5000 which gets you right into the action.Switch ...


很容易,但上癮!可愛的匹配遊戲。"很簡單匹配遊戲" 是,在3x3平方的區劃把卡安排和消失。【玩方法】讓張牌由並排。卡放在旁邊的一對,這些卡將消失。遊戲結束了所有的填充的區劃。【消失卡方法】消失卡的時候,必須安排垂直或水平。不可斜安排。可以同時消失多張卡。【特別卡】大便先生卡沒有一對卡。但是毗鄰卡消失...