

二代健保即將上路,但仍覺得一頭霧水嗎?我們細心的為您列出健保局目前規劃收取的六項額外收入標的:高額獎金、執行業務收入、股利所得、利息所得、租金收入及兼職所得,以及誰能享有「免繳」資格?一一表列說明,只要您填入自己的收入情況,即能實際試算出,一旦二代健保如期上路,您將多繳多少補充保費? 不管未來預計如...

Guava Puzzle

Guava Puzzle is a simple and funny puzzle, ideal for your children because they will train their brain, imagination and creativity while having fun.It...

Lemon Puzzle

Lemon Puzzle is a simple and funny puzzle, ideal for your children because they will train their brain, imagination and creativity while having fun.It...

Peach Puzzle

Peach Puzzle is a simple and funny puzzle, ideal for your children because they will train their brain, imagination and creativity while having fun.It...

Durian Puzzle

Durian Puzzle is a simple and funny puzzle, ideal for your children because they will train their brain, imagination and creativity while having fun.I...