

2046年,外星人阴谋入侵地球,奴役人类,这将会是人类的世界末日么?人类奋起反抗,驾驶战机,保卫家园。 操作方式:点击屏幕开火。刚开始的时候,只能一次发射一颗砲弹,随着游戏级别升高,当获得了机关枪功能的时候,战机就可以连续发射。弹药使用完毕之后,需要等待自动重新装载,在弹药装载期间,不能开火。 游戏...

Mots Zap

Mots Zap! is the French version of our very own Word Zap!.Mots Zap! is not just an ordinary word search game. It is full of fun, excitement & entertai...

Sliced Deli

When you're hungry, the last thing you want to do is wait on hold, repeat your credit card number and get disconnected. With iconName's app, ordering ...

Slice Your Pizza

This app helps you cut your pizza into any number of slices. Just point your iPhone to your pizza and let the magic opere!Launch the app and follow th...