

巴巴罗萨是SAMMY公司在SFC主机上推出的一款模拟纳粹德国全面侵犯苏联的“巴巴罗萨行动”的战略游戏,1941年7月,德国空军在消灭苏联空军及扫平地面设施以后,集中力量支援挺进的德国地面部队.游戏中依照历史加入了各种德军作战单位,力图将游戏的真实性表现到极致. 本作的系统和传统大战略一样,每关占领目...

US Constitution

The United States Constitution for Android. This includes the new Android Holo theme, and can be customized to either Holo Light or the standard dark ...


La nouvelle Constitution du Royaume du Maroc s'invite sur Android.Cette application a pour pour objectif de permettre la consultation des différen...

US Constitution

The full text of the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill of Rights, and the subsequent amendments.Benefits app:• Full text US Const...

US Constitution

The members of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Constituti...

US Constitution

This is the Constitution of the United States of America. You can share the app with your friends and colleagues.US Constitution will become faster an...


小小战役是一款完全创新的即时战略塔防游戏. 游戏融合了简单的操作,弘大的战斗场面,精巧的即时策略类游戏。玩家通过建造三种建筑来组建自己的部队,然后和地图上其他邪恶势力对抗,最终征服全世界。 游戏的操作只在地图上通过划线就能完成,但在与敌人对抗时却需要玩家进行大量的思考,是一个轻松而不轻松的游戏。免費...

Swimming Chrono

"Stopwatch Swimming" is an App. Designed to keep track of a swimmer. Join a history of each result and we can compare the times in different modalitie...