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The SASA App has been designed for Members of the S.A. Society of Anaesthesiologists to improve access to services that the Society provides for its M...

Sasa app

Sasa app (Android版) 是香港莎莎專為Android手機用戶推出的手機應用程式,主要功能包括:✓ 最新消息包括所有最新推出的產品資料,優惠及活動信息。✓ 詳細產品目錄用戶可透過手機查看及購買7000+ 件門市及官網的產品資訊及用戶評價,產品分為四類,包括:彩妝, 護膚,身體護理及纖體...

Leet Speak

Ever wanted to type using leet? Use the Leet Speak app to translate and encode your messages! Other features allow email, text message, or copying you...