苏黎世湖 导游

苏黎世湖 导游

苏黎世其实没什么好玩的,看看风景神马的一天也就差不多了。老城逛逛,河对面的老城逛逛,教堂里面逛逛,就差不多了。两个特别推荐。第一个是苏黎世湖上的船(http://www.zsg.ch/),夏天有最短1.5小时最长8个小时的roundtrip tour, 天气好的话风景独好,而且算是公共交通,所以用一...


Fishes+ is a huge collection of fishes with photos and description which include some detailed information.Features:- Awesome fishes images and descri...


Fishes is a collection with amazing photos and detailed info. You can zoom in photos, visualize them in slideshow mode, mark them as favorites, compar...