

寿命测试是一种寿命评估手段,它主要源自美国波士顿大学医学院Thomas Perls博士发明的“寿命计算器”,它曾受到过美国《时代周刊》和CNN的热捧。测试过程的每个选项都经过了严格的医学研究,得到了大量科学数据的论证。它不是迷信的,也不是玩游戏,它是在检验你是否拥有一个良好的生活习惯,寿命计算程序不...

Furry Fury

It’s the biggest, baddest Furry Fury ever!!! well... at least it’s the first!Furry Fury is a frantic game, a crazy 3D whack a mole with some of the mo...

Furry in Hell

HELPPPPP!!!! Furry is in hell and we must take him out of there!Fly the lovely Furry trough the obstacles and help him get the score he needs to get o...