

Get ready for PANG!Right away squares will start getting darker and darker until they take one of your lives. Don't let them! Tap feverishly to se...

Custom Vapez

This App will help you get all the information on Custom Vapors and give you access to a lot of features such as a online shop and also Vouchers and a...


いつも何かを決める時にはどうしてますか?How do you when you decide to do something always?例えば順番を決める場合、For example, if you decide the order,ジャンケン等で決める事が多いでしょう。Be determine...

CustomDice Free

いつも何かを決める時にはどうしてますか? How do you when you decide to do something always? 例えば順番を決める場合、 For example, if you decide the order, ジャンケン等で決める事が多いでしょう。 Be dete...