胎壓偵測 行車記錄

测速照相侦测+行车纪录器+HUD=GPS Defender

GPS Defender 新推出「HUD抬头显示、车速历程表」,让您的爱车瞬间升级科技智能车。 GPS Defender 是由 IDFor? 开发团队 精心研发的智能型手机专用的集成式 GPS 行车应用软件,其功能有:车速、行车里程数、海拔标高、行进方向电子罗盘、经纬度座标位置、卫星信号与分布图、轨...

Dog Whistler

The most easy-to-use dog whistle to train your dog or tease neighbors' dog! Want to train your dog, or annoy neighbors’ dogs? Our dog whistle trai...

Dog Whistler

The iPhone app that has over 20 million unique users is now available on Android Marketplace. Take control and teach your dog new tricks via this simp...


The classic game of whist is a plain-trick game without bidding for 4 players in fixed partnerships. There are four players in two fixed partnerships....


Prepara el exámen BIR (Biólogo Interno Residente) con éxito gracias a esta completa y robusta aplicación.La aplicación se completará poco a poco y sie...