

常常会在吃药时担心吃的东西跟它产生交互作用?在需要找药局的时候不知道自己的附近有那些药局?会不会常常忘记吃药时间呢?WhosCare 能帮忙你解决你的烦恼喔!功能:1. 「交互作用」: 输入「药名」或「食物名」查询交互作用2. 「药局搜寻」: 利用使用者所在的位置,搜寻出附近的药局3. 「用药提醒」...


산업통상자원부 기술표준원에서 만든 KS용어사전 애플리케이션입니다. KS용어사전 앱은 KS표준서에서 쓰이는 약 12만여개 단어의 정의를 제공합니다.표준서 검색 혹은 용어 검색 두가지 검색기능을 가지고 있어 더욱 편리합니다. 1. 표준별 검색기능 : KS표준명 /표준번호를...


Hurdy Durdy is an application for kids. With the help of cute Hurdy Durdy monsters, children will improve their senses of rhythm while they play & lea...


Fields is a fun logic puzzle game. Your challenge is to fill a grid with fields of flowers. But each field has a specific size and there is only one s...


Shop’nBrag The app that shops the way you do! Finally, one shopping app for fashion lovers that does it all. • Fashion trends for men and women and ho...