【内容简介】 在近20年为麻省理工学院选拔新生的面试工作中,蒋佩蓉女士发现了一个惊人的规律:那些只凭一纸高分的高智商申请者,往往被麻省拒之门外——美国顶尖级大学所看重的,不只是聪明的大脑,更重要的是整体健全的人,拥有高尚的品格和情商的人。只有4Q(智商、情商、道德商、挫折商)健全的孩子,才有绝对的优...
【内容简介】 在近20年为麻省理工学院选拔新生的面试工作中,蒋佩蓉女士发现了一个惊人的规律:那些只凭一纸高分的高智商申请者,往往被麻省拒之门外——美国顶尖级大学所看重的,不只是聪明的大脑,更重要的是整体健全的人,拥有高尚的品格和情商的人。只有4Q(智商、情商、道德商、挫折商)健全的孩子,才有绝对的优...
What is Movilitas?Movilitas is the company which has invented the Movilizer. With this App we want to introduce our company what we are doing and what...
Do you have what it takes to become Army Strong?The U.S. Army's Career Navigator is a great resource to help you decide if a career in the army is...
“Do what you love and Love what you do” Is this you?Career Advice is a world-first interactive platform forprofessionals, employees and workers to off...
Wondering what could be the best career choice for you ? This is the product for you. App is based on LMI for All data from UKCES and features:- job d...
This application is useful in selecting a carrier based on interest of students after 12 or even after completing their graduation.It provides a good ...
Find out what is the most suitable career option for you!!Career Mirror allows students to find their real strengths and generates a report based on t...
"DGHR Careers" App is a professional governmental careers channel for jobseekers at Dubai Government Human Resources Department. You are able to brows...
CTgoodjobs的Android应用平台的求职软件。 特色: - “好工作速递功能”(作业警报),自订工作条件,配对好工作将自动速递送上。 - 用手机随时申请职位空缺 - 轻易修改网上储存的简历及求职信 - 即时透过SMS /脸谱/电邮推介好工作给朋友 - 每日更新职场,薪酬及劳资有关的市场...
These girls are each applying for different jobs and they all need a specific style for each job interview. Emma, our HR Manager, will rate your work ...