大连清华科技企业家联合会是由在大连接受过清华教育的企业家精英自愿组成,秉承并发扬 “自强不息,厚德载物”精神,为政府、为社会、为会员搭建起学习、交流、服务、合作及财富平台。旨在通过学习、交流、合作达到共赢,打造出本市乃至全国一流的,最具影响力的高端企业家精英联合会。 北首集团董事长金国平担任会长,大...
大连清华科技企业家联合会是由在大连接受过清华教育的企业家精英自愿组成,秉承并发扬 “自强不息,厚德载物”精神,为政府、为社会、为会员搭建起学习、交流、服务、合作及财富平台。旨在通过学习、交流、合作达到共赢,打造出本市乃至全国一流的,最具影响力的高端企业家精英联合会。 北首集团董事长金国平担任会长,大...
Xue allows you to create different "lessons" of Chinese vocabulary. Each lesson can contain several Chinese words, with related pinyin, translation an...
In 10 Second Rule your goal is to select 5 words from the list that relate to the current category. Each correct word you select, and how much time yo...
FREE Version Now Available http://bit.ly/1omLGOpIn 10 Second Rule your goal is to select 5 words from the list that relate to the current category. Ea...
Speaks any text that write you in your text box and pronounce it by clicking on the button Say it or by shaking the phone. It is useful for jokes, to ...
Habla cualquier texto que le escribes en su caja de texto y lo pronuncia dando clic en el botón Háblame o agitando el celular. Es útil para bromas, pa...
Programa para Smartphones y Tablets que resuelve todos los casos y tipos de triángulos. Para los Triángulos Oblicuángulos: Caso 1: Conocidos sus tres ...
Program for Smartphones and Tablets to resolve all cases and types of triangles. For Non-Right Triangles: Case 1: Known for its three sides. Case 2: T...
Aplicación para Smartphones y Tablets para resolver la ecuación cuadrática. Halla todas sus raíces reales y complejas. Hace su gráfica y la graba como...