

郎朗,满族,出生于辽宁省沈阳市,国际著名钢琴家。曾被数家美国权威媒体称作「当今这个时代最天才、最闪亮的偶像明星」,他是受聘于世界顶级的柏林爱乐乐团和美国五大交响乐团的第一位中国钢琴家。曾被《人物(青年版)》杂志称为「将改变世界的 20 名青年」之一。现居美国纽约。 Lang Lang, born J...

MobDJ Venue

***************************************************************************NOTE: This app is only for use by venues wishing to offer the Mob DJ servic...


Mob DJ combines the best features of a jukebox, auctions and hyper local dating, to create an entirely new experience where patrons of social venues u...


Para os usuários que gostam de comprar ou vender pelo INSTAGRAM E FACEBOOK é ferramenta ideal, ele pode postar um item no MOBDEAL e ao mesmo tempo pos...