羅技 m310 無線雷射滑鼠

Bluetooth AC Switch 藍牙無線開關

使用 Android 手機或平板電腦, 以藍牙無線功能遙控電器開關,讓您輕鬆遙控家電。本 APP 須搭配 "藍牙無線開關" 硬體。 安裝非常簡易,只要將藍牙無線開關插電,然後家電插到藍牙無線開關即可。注意家電須保持開啟狀態,由藍牙無線開關控制開關。手機或或平板電腦可以自動搜尋到已安裝的藍牙無線開關,...


We are one of the reputed companies in the field of knitted garments named PAS company and started to step into the leggings revolution.... Our garmen...

GPS Alert

GPS Alert lets you set locations and then alarms you when you are in proximity of those locations. Launch the app with GPS enabled and get started set...