大六壬,又名六壬神课,是一门古老的术数,以占卜人事著称,是三式之首(三式还包括奇门遁甲、太乙神数)。 市面的手机六壬程序极少,安桌平台更几乎为零。而且从手机到网上在线排盘,排出来的盘式往往花样百出,结果莫衷一是。一来因为流派有别,更重要的是,二来它们的bugs比较严重,例如涉害深度没有计算清楚等等。...
大六壬,又名六壬神课,是一门古老的术数,以占卜人事著称,是三式之首(三式还包括奇门遁甲、太乙神数)。 市面的手机六壬程序极少,安桌平台更几乎为零。而且从手机到网上在线排盘,排出来的盘式往往花样百出,结果莫衷一是。一来因为流派有别,更重要的是,二来它们的bugs比较严重,例如涉害深度没有计算清楚等等。...
六壬神數又稱「大六壬」或「六壬神課」,甚麼是課呢?六壬占算時,要先起天地盤、四課和三傳,課就是從四課得來。 古有三式,太乙神數主「天數」,推算世運災變、戰亂疫症等國時。 奇門遁甲主「地數」,推算方位吉凶,行軍佈陣,而 六壬神數主「人數」,專長推算世事吉凶禍福,此三式為古代軍師必修法門,而六壬以詳細、...
这是个专业《周易》占卜排盘工具,不适合外行人玩耍。然而在中国传统专业占卜技法中,“小成图”又是最容易学的一门。此法至简至易,朴实灵活,只用像数,不涉五行,不限国界。 “小成图”一语出自《周易•系辞》:“十有八变而成卦,八卦而小成。” 此工具功能完备。有6大方法取卦,如远古的爻取、蓍取,到铜钱卦、时间...
Meetings as a Corporate Investment.This app calculate the cost of your meetings.So, Become more aware of the cost.First, please look these screenshots...
10 highly paid professionals sit in a conference room. They chat about the weather and football. They wait 5 minutes for the 'late guy'. The facilitat...
Calculate how much a meeting costs. If meeting is boring you can play a game of tic-tac-toe.免費玩Meeting Cost Calculator - MCC APP玩免費免費玩Meeting Cost Cal...
Ever sit in a meeting wonder what you are talking about or more importantly, why you are talking about that particular topic? Sometimes you just want ...
Want to know how much your staff meetings are costing you? The Meeting Calculator allows you to enter salary and hourly rates for your meeting partici...
It takes a really good meeting to be better than no meeting at all. And this app makes it clear how costly meetings can be. "It's the cure for the com...
Finally, an iPad app that allows you to record audio, draw, type, and add checklists - ALL AT THE SAME TIME.Meeting Box is designed for the serious no...