
應用筆記 Pro



我們喜歡在市場下載有用和有趣的應用程序。也許你想為不同的程序記下一些事情,可是它們不一定有記事的功能。應用筆記幫助你為不同的應用加入筆記,你可以輸入文字筆記,或錄製語音訊息。它提供了一個長註屏幕的加入筆記鍵,使你能夠輕而易舉地為不同應用程序加入筆記。當然也可以把它當作不同的待辦事項!Pro版本: h...

Monster Dolls

Every woman can remember her favorite doll growing up. Whether it was a floppy Raggedy Ann, an elaborately dressed fashion doll, or a soft and squeeza...


JEWC is the largest world gathering of Junior Entrepreneurs. This is the major event of the Junior Enterprise concept. In addition to participating in...

Helicopter Fly

Helicopter Fly is a Fun Game you are to Fly a Helicopter and Need to avoid from balloons, Pirate Birds etc.Fly your Helicopter, more you get coin, mor...