
喇嘛網 Lama

喇嘛網 www.lama.com.tw1. 使藏傳佛法與漢傳佛教生活化、心靈化、科學化、藝術化且倡導釋迦牟尼佛傳承之正法,使眾生有正確成佛之道,佛法蓬蓽生輝,永續發展。2. 提供具正法與長期菩提心修持之上師開示與引導,使慈悲智慧深植眾生心靈,建立圓滿人生。3. 國內外對佛法保護、推廣與貢獻人士,不分...

Monster Maki

Happy Halloween! With Dracula, Frankenstein, Ghosts, and Witches, Monster Maki will have the hair standing on the back of your neck in no time. If you...

Red Racer

Red Racer is an integrated racing computer with many features that are helpful to beginner and pro sailors. It integrates with your yacht’s NMEA-0183 ...