

关卡多多!逼真的火车模型!精细的场景!复杂的地形! 轰鸣的汽笛声与轨道的撞击声让你身临其境!!! 丰富的关卡,复杂多变的路况,你只需轻触手指,便可调度一切,让你爱不释手! 快来体验一次当火车调度员的快感,圆年少的你的一个梦吧!!! 游戏介绍: 是一款指挥火车交通的休闲益智游戏,玩家通过对轨道连接的变...

Call of Victory - 第一戰爭策略遊戲

體驗Google Play上前所未有的最佳戰爭策略動作遊戲! ✔無數戰士,為你而戰在Call of Victory中,你可以選取不同兵種系列中的眾多戰士!突擊兵,狙擊手,噴火兵,機槍兵,擲彈兵,火箭筒兵…每個兵種擁有自己獨特的戰術風格和特長技能,你需要結合他們的不同特點組建軍隊。通過Game Ser...


Help MegaCorp defeat the rebel force of Team StormBlade! Rise through the ranks of management by hiring mercenaries to do all the dirty work for you. ...

Who's First

Can't decide who should go first? Who should go pick up the take out? Who buys the first round of drinks? Use this app to single somebody out. I w...

Lazy Bones

Help Skully navigate through 50 levels on his quest to reclaim the rest of his body! Each dungeon is filled with obstacles and enemies sent by your ol...


Help Skully in his ongoing quest to defeat the evil wizard. You have been trapped in another part of the castle's dungeon, full of bricks to be sm...