Administração em Saúde
A Revista de Administração em Saúde (RAS) é publicação oficialda Associação Brasileira de Medicina Preventiva e Administração em Saúde, a qual tem o o...
A Revista de Administração em Saúde (RAS) é publicação oficialda Associação Brasileira de Medicina Preventiva e Administração em Saúde, a qual tem o o...
樂樂將(小孩.大人.樂食)手工披薩.三明治.泰式咖哩.火鍋套餐.泰式奶茶. 2樓遊戲區 不同於一般的飲食餐廳 我們餐廳座落在綠意盎然的三民公園對面 有感於現代人的忙碌生活而忽略親子間的互動 所以建築了一處親子的對話空間 也為孩子們在這聲光糜爛的世界裡提供一處寧謐.成長.歡樂的地方 面對公園讓你在用餐...
Flash CallCall and send SMS in a FlashCONTEST: Vote and write a review on Google Play , then send an email to indicating which widg...
Did you ever have the ringing of the phone turned off and not being able to find your phone? Find my phone allows you to recover your phone with a sim...
Safe SMS LiteThe best app to protect your privacySafe SMS allows you to send and receive private and confidential sms, protecting them with a password...
Wired Sms Tablet is the SMS app for your tablet. You can easily send and receive SMS text messages from your tablet anywhere and anytime. The app uses...
SilencerThe best application to monitor incoming calls on your Android smartphoneKeep your smartphone with the screen facing down and it will never di...
Wired Sms Tablet is the SMS app for your tablet. You can easily send and receive SMS text messages from your tablet anywhere and anytime. The app uses...
I RecycleThe best educational game for kids and adultsIRecycle is one of the first games to support google play services. Enjoy to challenge your frie...
SOS Call è un utilissimo Widget che ti permette di chiamare e mandare sms ai tuoi contatti preferiti in pochissimi istanti. In caso di necessità, atti...